Hello Watkins Glen School Community!

I hope this message finds you happy and healthy as we head into Spring Break.

General Reminders:

Calls from School

We have received notification of a phone call that has been received from an unknown/spam number that leaves a message stating they are a school employee and requesting information.

Please note that any communication that comes from the school district will be from a caller ID related to the school or through an approved communication tool such as WGCSD alerts or Remind.

Spring Break

School will be closed for Spring Recess from Monday 4.11 through Friday 4.15. Our regular school schedule will resume on 4.18.  The District Office will be closed Wednesday through Friday.

COVID-19 Updates:

Our community infection-rate level has moved from the low/green zone to the medium/yellow zone. However, no changes to our current conditions are required. We want to reiterate that the best thing that we can do at this point is to remain home if you are sick.

Thank you to all of those that tuned into the 4th grade Beard Design Challenge that concluded this morning. We had a lot of fun with our 3rd and 4th graders! Thank you to Mr. Hutcheson and Mrs. Brown for organizing such a fun yet educational event. Thank you to Morty’s Hot Spot for the professional beard trim!

To those that are traveling, we wish you safe travels! To those that are staying in the beautiful southern Finger Lakes region, we wish you rest and relaxation.

Upon our return from break, we will prepare our students for the stretch run of the 21-22 school year. As always, I encourage all students to finish strong!

To our students, staff, and families, enjoy your break. You deserve it!

That is all for now WG!  

Go Senecas!

Kai D’Alleva
Watkins Glen Central School District
Superintendent of Schools